Plastic Free Rummage!

With #plasticfreejuly behind us, we thought we’d share a few tips for continuing your plastic free journey at Suitcase Rummage! 

1. Pack your own lunch to avoid singe-use plastic packaging and utensils.

2. Bring a tote bag to carry your Rummaged goods!

3. BYO water bottle! (Ask our friendly staff where you can refill your water.)

4. If you don’t have any food at home, bring your own cutlery for takeaway!

5. BYO flask or keep cup for takeaway drinks! (You can even buy reusable bubble tea cups and carriers these days).

6. Buy large refill bottles for your hand sanitiser, instead of always buying new little bottles, or use our hand sanitiser stations at the markets.

7. Use a fabric face mask instead of a disposable one. 

8. Invest in a reusable metal straw! Or say no to straws altogether.

9. Find ways to cut back on plastic that work for you. Not everyone can use a metal straw, or purchase a flask and that’s ok! Focus on plastic free alternatives that work for you and support others to make the switch, too!

10. Keep it simple and use what you have at home! You don’t need to use fancy eco-friendly products to go plastic free. Bring a jar or a camping mug for drinks, bring an old fork and spoon, re-use that plastic take away container. You can also find lots of options 2nd hand at Op-Shops and at our Suitcase Rummage markets!

Do you go #plasticfree at Suitcase Rummage? What #plasticfree market alternatives are you using?


Mindful Mending


Covid Safe Rummaging