Rummage All Seasons

One reason we love selling from suitcases, is that it makes the market experience more accessible for people just starting out. If you don’t have a marquee, table, transport, or $$ for a large stall fee, we’ve got you covered by keeping it affordable and simple! However, being a mostly outdoor market, there are a few factors that can make Rummaging in all weather a little tricky. Here are a few of our tips for staying comfy and keep you selling from your suitcase like a pro!

It can get chilly in winter, while sitting outdoors and selling your wares. Here are a few things to bring to make your market experience extra comfy.
1. A chair or a cushion to sit on makes the cold ground a little more comfortable.
2. Bring a thermos! Fill it with hot chocolate, tea, soup or hot water for tea refills! Trust us, this will make your day magic.
3. Rug up! Pack all of the jumpers and socks and beanies. You’ll need them. Sitting still for a while really gives your body time to cool down. Being warm makes your day much more comfortable and enjoyable.
4. Bring a mate to share your stall. This way you have a friend to mind your stall when you need to visit the loo, have a little Rummage yourself, or head out to buy a warm snack!

Sun’s out, sun’s hot, we’ve got a few tips to keep you cool.
1. Sun protection! Pack your hat, sunscreen, sunglasses and or a light, long sleeved shirt. All of these things will help keep you from getting burnt to a crisp.
2. Pack an umbrella! This is a great way to stay shady and cool. It really takes the edge off the sun and provides some shade cover.
3. BYO Water bottle filled with cold water!!! (Flasks are a great way to keep your drinks cool). Don’t forget to refill during the day.
4. BYO cool and juicy snacks! A container of water melon is the best thing ever on a hot day. If things get too hot, an ice block is a great way to cool down.

Rainy Days
When it’s really raining heavily, we usually cancel or reschedule our markets. However, if the weather is changing a lot and looks like rain, we might go ahead with a light shower or two.
1. Bring a tarp or plastic cover to cover and protect your wares.
2. Bring an umbrella or rain jacket to keep yourself dry.
By the time the sun comes out again, you’ll be ready to sell your wares, nice and dry, like an absolute pro!

Windy Days

Sometimes the wind blows through and we see stalls blowing away. It’s good to consider:
1. Clips! Bring some pegs or clips to help keep your signs and items secure.
2. Weights! Weight down your blanket, table cloth, stands etc to stop them from blowing away. You might be able to get some small sand bags, rocks or find the perfect item around the house. 

Any other helpful Rummage tips? If you’ve got something to share, please get in touch and share the Rummage love!

Images above by Nancy Wang and Yan Chen.


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